I Wayan Surat | Stelliers Asia Unsung Hero Finalist 2024

I Wayan Surat, a Loss and Prevention Officer at Capella Ubud, Bali, is more than just a security professional; he is a pillar of dedication, expertise, and community spirit.


I Wayan Surat’s journey into the world of security began in the Keliki village neighbourhood. He pursued a career in security, undergoing rigorous training and earning multiple certifications from the Indonesian National Police. His commitment to his craft led him to join Capella Ubud in 2018, where he has since become an indispensable member of the team.

I Wayan Surat’s expertise and dedication were evident on a dark, rainy day in Keliki village when a visitor's car carrying a family of four slid into a ditch near the entrance of Capella Ubud. Surat, who was overseeing the hotel's entrance, immediately took action by contacting the Front Desk, which sent a car to pick up the family. The family was welcomed warmly at the hotel with towels, afternoon tea, and a chance to reunite with their friends. Meanwhile, Surat and the engineering team worked diligently in the rain to retrieve the car, clean it, and ensure the family could continue their journey. The family's visit was made memorable by the exceptional hospitality and teamwork they experienced, leaving them with a deep sense of gratitude.


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