Two Weeks Until Applications Close

The process for Stelliers 2021 is well underway, with applications for the Greater China region set to close on the 2nd of July. That leaves just two weeks for those looking to enter, so get in quick! The application process is simple to navigate, requiring information about the nominees’ achievements, examples of excellence, and testimonials from multiple staff members. You can take a look at the application form here.

It is 100% free of charge to apply for Stelliers, so if you wish to be involved, or nominate a colleague, there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain! With 21 different categories, we aim to celebrate every kind of hotelier, from housekeeping to corporate owner,marketing to management. Let’s honour the hardworking individuals who drive this industry and celebrate the leading lights of the sector.


Christophe Laurent – Stelliers Judge and EHL Group Values Ambassador


Have You Got What It Takes to Become a Stellier?